The Registration Process
We encourage participants to register for the conference as soon as possible as this helps us with the organisation of events. Everyone who wishes to give a talk will get the opportunity to do so. You will be asked whether you wish to give a talk in the registration form.
The registration fee for the conference is as follows:
- Standard Registration: £240
- Student Registration: £180
The conference dinner will be held Wednesday evening at an additional cost:
- Optional Conference Dinner: £48
Please register on the following link: Register
Abstract Submission
Once registration is complete, talk titles and abstracts should be submitted by the 19th of June using the link below.
Please submit an abstract on the following link: Submit Abstract
Slides Submission
Please submit your slides as soon as possible, but in all cases by noon the day before your talk. Use the link below to make a submission. Please note that only pdf files will be accepted.
Please submit a file on the following link: Submit Slides
There will be an option to stay at an accommodation owned and managed by the university. These are modern hotel-style en-suite rooms within 5min walk from the conference venue. We encourage all participants to use this opportunity. Booking is possible through the registration process, where you will have the option to select the required nights of stay. The associated costs, which include breakfast, are:
- Price per night of stay: £55