
The 21st instalment of the String Phenomenology conference will be hosted at the Univeristy of Liverpool. This annual conference discusses recent progress in compactifications of string theory and their relation to particle physics and cosmology.

The main topics of the conference include:

Local information and other details can be found on this website. Please register on the tab above to participate. The conference poster can be found at link.

Invited Speakers

Bobby Acharya James Gray Tony Padilla
David Andriot Thomas Grimm Hervé Partouche
Carlo Angelantonj Jim Halverson Fernando Quevedo
Ignatios Antoniadis Arthur Hebecker John Rizos
Ivano Basile Jonathan Heckmann Fabian Ruehle
Massimo Bianchi Luis Ibañez Sakura Schafer-Nameki
Ralph Blumenhagen Andre Lukas Sav Sethi
Robert Brandenberger Dieter Lüst Gary Shiu
Michele Cicoli Fernando Marchesano Washington Taylor
Joseph Conlon Luca Martucci Cumrun Vafa
Mirjam Cvetič Nick Mavromatos Irene Valenzuela
Keshav Dasgupta Liam McAllister Thomas Van Riet
Keith Dienes Miguel Montero Timo Weigand
Emilian Dudas Jakob Moritz Alexander Westphal
John Ellis Stefan Groot Nibbelink Timm Wrase
Mark Goodsell Hans Peter Nilles Ida Zadeh
Mariana Graña Burt Ovrut Ivonne Zavala

Organising Committee

Past Conferences

Steve Abel (Durham)2021 - Northeastern (Virtual)
Alon Faraggi (Liverpool)2020 - Northeastern (Virtual)
Iñaki García Etxebarria (Durham)2019 - CERN
Edward Hardy (Liverpool)2018 - Warsaw
Viktor Matyas (Liverpool)2017 - Blacksburg
Thomas Mohaupt (Liverpool)2016 - Ioannina
Susha Parameswaran (Liverpool)2015 - Madrid
Radu Tatar (Liverpool)···


For any queries about the conference or registration process, please contact us at stringpheno2022@liverpool.ac.uk.