MATH431 — Introduction to Modern Particle Theory

Welcome and general course information (academic year 2010/2011, 2nd semester)

Lecturer: Dr Thomas Teubner

Welcome to Math431! This Module will give you an introduction in the fascinating world of Modern Particle Physics. It will do so from a theoretical and conceptual perspective. (For more experimental aspects there are modules taught in the Physics Department.) Pre- (Co-) requisites are courses in Quantum Mechanics and Relativity. Other material like elements of group theory and classical field theory will be introduced as required (though some knowledge of Classical Mechanics and Electrodynamics may be helpful).
The course will consist of three lectures and one tutorial session (example class) per week. In the tutorials we will discuss questions which may have come up, and of course the set problems. Problem sheets will be handed out each week for the following one and are also available from the Module's website .
Although the Module's assessment is based to 100% on the final (written) exam, you are encouraged to hand in the homework on Thursdays prior to the tutorial session on Friday each week. Note that engagement in the problems will be crucial for your understanding (and the exam).
In line with the rules set by the University attendance of lectures and tutorials will be monitored.

If you have any questions, please contact me after the lectures and tutorials or in private in my office, room 114 in the TP wing of the Maths Building (206 on the campus map), internal phone 43791. My office hours are indicated on the announcement board next to my door. You may also email me via thomas.teubner'at' . I will do my best to help if I can. I hope that you will learn a lot and also have some fun!

Content of the course:

Useful literature: