-------------------------------------------------------------------------- `Algebraic Geometry and Lattice Landau Gauge Fixing' Abstract: On the lattice, the standard way to fix Landau gauge is to minimizing the so-called lattice Landau gauge (LLG)-fixing functional numerically. Minimizing a multivariate function efficiently is one of the fundamental problems in many branches of theoretical physics. The conventional numerical minimization methods such as Simulated Annealing and Over-relaxation are known to fail in obtaining the global minimum. We observe that the extremizing equations for the LLG-fixing functional and, in general, for multivariate functions arising in many physical phenomena have 'polynomial-like' non-linearity. After explaining how one can transform the extremizing equations for the LLG, for the compact U(1) case as an example, to a system of multivariate polynomial equations, we propose a few methods to solve these equations and obtain all the extrema of the LLG-fixing functional. I will demonstrate our preliminary results from both these methods. It should be noted that some of the methods are indeed being used in string phenomenology areas (to find the string vacua of a given model, for example), however, I will be presenting a numerical method which could go beyond the existing methods quite efficiently. --------------------------------------------------------------------------