String Theory and BSM Seminar

We have weekly meetings on Tuesday starting at 1pm in the Seminar Room (117), 1st Floor, Mathematical Sciences building.

The meetings include discussions of recent papers, discussions with visitors, seminars etc. You can find the list of seminars for the current year below.

Second term

30th Jan. Kajal Singh (U. Liverpool) "Finding G_2 Higgs Branch of 4D rank 1 SCFTs"


6th Feb. Biswajit Sahoo (King's College London) "Trace Anomalies, RGf Flow and Scattering Amplitudes"


13rd Feb. Djuna Croon (U. Durham) "Gravitational microlensing with extended dark matter structures"


20th Feb. Sven Krippendorf (LMU Munich) "Towards a phenomenological understanding of neural networks"


27th Feb. Marco Serra (U. Liverpool) "de Sitter from type II Scherk-Schwarz orbifolds?"(part 1)
5th Mar. Chandramouli Chowdhuri (U. Southampton) "Index From the Gravitational Path Integral"


12th Feb. Marco Serra (U. Liverpool) "de Sitter from type II Scherk-Schwarz orbifolds?"(part 2)
19th Mar. Carlos Blanco (U. Princeton) "Scintillating Methods to Detect Dark Matter from Nano to Astro Scales"
16th Apr. Christopher Hull (Imperial College London) "The action for self-dual p-form gauge fields"


23rd Apr. Cristofero Fraser-Taliente (U. Oxford) "Computation of Quark Masses in String Theory"
7rd May Manuel Reichert (U. Sussex) "From fluctuating gravitons to Lorentzian quantum gravity"


21st May

Eman Basaad (U. Liverpool) "Axions in Quasi-Realistic Heterotic String Vacua"

Luke Detraux (U. Liverpool) "Vacuum Structure of Non-SUSY S tilde Heterotic String Models"



28th May

Alonzo R. Diaz Avalos (U. Liverpool) "Tachyon stability in Type II"

Matas Mackevicius (U. Liverpool) "The Geometry of String Theory"



11th Jun. Astha Kakkar (U. Delhi) "Partition functions and Phases of Quantum Field Theories in Anti-de Sitter Spaces"

First term

26th Sept. Louis Hamaide (King's Collge), "Black Hole Information from Gravitational Waves and Dilaton Couplings in Cosmological Surveys"
3rd Oct. Clara Murgui (Caltech), "Atom interferometer tests of dark matter"
10th Oct. Alon Faraggi (U. Liverpool), "String Derived Z' at an Upgraded Superconducting Supercolider "
17 Oct. Salvatore Raucci (SNS Pisa), "Freund-Rubin compactifications of non-supersymmetric strings"
24th Oct. Marco Scalisi (MPI Munich), "Species Scale Cosmology"
7th Nov. Mario Reig (U. Oxford), "Searching for axion forces with atoms, molecules, and storage rings"
14th Nov. Gabriel Cardoso (IST Lisbon), "Generating new gravitational solutions by matrix multiplication"
21st Nov. Joaquim Gomes (U. Liverpool), "Dark Energy with a Little Help from its Friends"
28th Nov. Tarak Nath Maity (Harish-Chandra Res. Inst.), "(Un)Faithful neutrinos in search of dark matter"
5th Dec. Pierluca Carenza (U. Stockholm), "Unusual searches for Feebly Interacting Particles from Supernovae"
12th Dec. Nana Cabo Bizet (U. Guanajuato), "Type IIB strings on one parameter Calabi-Yau and the quantum gravity conjectures"

Archives of previous years can be found here.

Friday Theory Meeting

We meet at 1pm on Fridays in the Seminar Room (117), 1st Floor, Mathematical Sciences building, to discuss recent papers of interest. This is a joint meeting with the Fundamental Particle Physics group. We also like to invite external speakers to present their own papers when possible.

The papers discussed in these meetings are aligned with the interests of the two groups, covering topics such as cosmology (dark matter, dark energy, inflation), collider phenomenology, Beyond the Standard Model physics, axions, lattice field theory, solid state systems, quantum technologies and others.

If you are interested in participating, volunteering to present a paper or inviting a speaker, you can contact the weekly moderator.

26th Apr. Robert Manson 3rd May
10th May 17th May
24th May 31st May
7th Jun.
14th Jun.