String Theory and BSM Seminar

We have weekly meetings on Tuesday starting at 1pm in the Seminar Room (117), 1st Floor, Mathematical Sciences building.

The meetings include discussions of recent papers, discussions with visitors, seminars etc. You can find the list of seminars for the current year below.

Second term

28th February Joaquim Gomes (Liverpool), "Thermal curvature perturbations in thermal inflation"
14th March Martí Rosselló (King's College), "Rademacher expansion of a Siegel modular form and the gravitational path integral for $\mathcal{N}=4$ BPS black holes"
28th March Yuichi Koga (Osaka Metropolitan University), "Interpolation and cosmological constant in non-SUSY heterotic strings with general $Z_2$ twists"
18th April Juri Smirnov (Liverpool), "Bigravity and its phenomenological implications"
25th April Georges Obied (Oxford), "The Dark Dimension"
2nd May Gonzalo Villa (Cambridge), "Testing BSM Physics with Gravitational Waves"
16th May Alonzo Diaz (Liverpool) "Fayet-Iliopoulos D-Term in Non-Supersymmetric Heterotic String Orbifolds"
13th June Bruno Bento (Liverpool) "Putting the Swampland to the test: where's the missing membrane?"

First term

11th October Anton Sokolov (Liverpool), "Electromagnetic couplings of axions"
18th October Alon Faraggi (Liverpool), "Spinor-vector duality and the swampland"
25th October Stefan Groot-Nibbelink (Rotterdam), "The fate of discrete torsion on resolved heterotic orbifolds"
1st November Kajal Singh (Harish-Chandra Res. Inst.), "Moduli Stabilisation and Statistics of Low Energy Physics in String Landscape"
8th November Juri Smirnov (Liverpool), "Celestial Bodies as Dark Laboratories: New Signatures of Ancient Relics"
15th November Iosif Bena (Saclay), "The Tadpole Problem"
22th November Carlos Blanco (Princeton), "Detecting Dark Matter with Quantum Dots"
29th November Veronica Pasquarella (Cambridge), "Holographic Interpretation of 2D Vacuum Transitions"

Archives of previous years can be found here. You can also find our seminar series on the Inspire.

Friday Theory Meeting

We meet at 2pm on Fridays in the Seminar Room (117), 1st Floor, Mathematical Sciences building, to discuss recent papers of interest. This is a joint meeting with the Fundamental Particle Physics group. We also like to invite external speakers to present their own papers when possible.

The papers discussed in these meetings are aligned with the interests of the two groups, covering topics such as cosmology (dark matter, dark energy, inflation), collider phenomenology, Beyond the Standard Model physics, axions, lattice field theory, solid state systems, quantum technologies and others.

If you are interested in participating, volunteering to present a paper or inviting a speaker, you can contact the weekly moderator.

5th May Johann Ostmeyer
12th May Juri Fiaschi
19th May Juri Smirnov
26th May Anton Sokolov
2nd June Ed Hardy

Student Seminars

This is the seminar series run by the PhD students.

We meet at 2pm on Wednesdays in the Seminar Room (117), 1st Floor, Mathematical Sciences building.

Second term

8th February Marco Serra, "The Weak Gravity Conjecture and non-SUSY strings"
13th March Matas Mackevicius, "Asymptotic Symmetries"
3rd May Joaquim Gomes, "Cosmological tracking solutions"
10th May Alonzo Diaz, "Fayet-Iliopoulos D-Term in Non-Supersymmetric Heterotic String Orbifolds"
17th May Maxime Médevielle, "T-duality and the signature of 4-dimensional spacetime"
24th May Horia Nicolaescu, "Consequences of inflationary quantum fluctuations for the QCD axion"
31st May Benjamin Percival (guest), "Heterotic String Orbifolds"
7th June Bruno Bento, "Coping with the Swampland: A practical example"