Modifying the Theoretical Physics Group web pages

Here is a quick guide to the web pages for the Theoretical Physics Group.

The home page of theoretical physics is on CSD's content management system (called Terminal 4). This can only be edited by a TP research cluster web editor or departmental web coordinator.

The source files for the collaborative/research web pages of the group are on the division Linux servers and are under the following directory:
The corresponding URL is:
All the files and directories below this point are relative to the above directory.
They need to have links to them put in from the TP home page, using Terminal 4, but can be maintained by directly editing them. This can be done by ANY memeber of the group. (You will need to use ssh to get into rusty).

The list of people file is computer generated from Excel spreadsheets by a Perl script. There is a README.txt file about this in the 'people' subdirectory. The html file should not be edited directly. The 'people' subdirectory called also contains the web pages for some group members who have chosen to make use of this space.
All staff and students by default have official web pages accessible from the main departmental staff web pages. Staff pages are derived auotmatically from personal profiles on Tulip. If you have a personal home page listed there, it will be picked up and a link from your official to your personal page created.
We have an FAQ on personal web pages which gives some options on how to create your own managed web page.

The directory SEMINAR contains information about the regular theoretical physics seminar. The content of this directory is controlled by the seminar organiser.

The directory RECENT_PUBS contains the list of recent publications. This list is used for grant applications, so we ask that each entry has the correct format. Also please only add papers that are close to getting an archive number or journal reference.

The security on the web pages is via the normal unix security system.

our home page